How to survive the betrayal of a loved one

Undoubtedly, betrayal is a blow to self-esteem. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that someone convinces your partner to underestimate your feelings, questions your exclusivity. And soon, realizing the very fact of betrayal, you are indignant and, bursting into tears, do not stop asking yourself questions: “How could he do this to me? Why did this affect me?»

It depends on your wisdom how quickly you pull yourself together and stop doing self-digging, looking for the reasons for betrayal in yourself.

Usually they say that a man is led by instincts, so sometimes unconsciously he is very fond of the person he likes. However, this does not mean at all that you have ceased to be a woman, the same so-called bait and are not capable of evoking similar instincts in other men.

Another opinion — you bored your man. Only you are not at all obliged to always stir up the interest of your partner, like a manager promoting a product.

If you have been cheated on, then first of all you should not blame yourself for this! Need to relieve stress. You can call a friend and cry into a friendly shoulder over a bottle of wine and think about how to survive the betrayal of a loved one. Then stock up on sedatives so that you can immediately take them at the slightest desire to cry.

Decide for yourself if you can forgive and continue the relationship with him. Or start a new life without him. Most likely, the partner will return to you and ask for forgiveness. But it is quite possible that until the last he will deny the fact of treason.

To forgive or not to forgive — it’s up to you. You just need to understand for yourself what you want and expect from him. If love is so strong that you cannot imagine life without it, then goodbye.

Even having forgiven treason, this incident cannot be erased from memory so quickly. Therefore, come to terms with the fact that a spiritual wound will disturb you for a long time. The main thing is to never blame your partner for cheating. After all, you yourself made your choice, forgiving him.

Not every person is able to forgive such a betrayal from a loved one. If you are one of those, remember that life goes on, so you need to cross out the past and try to start a new life from scratch. Without him. Mental wounds are healed. Let it take a long time, but they are treated. Time is the main healer. You have already decided everything for yourself, therefore, in order to escape from depressing thoughts, plunge headlong into work, creativity, new acquaintances and meetings.

If you have children, then remember: under no circumstances interfere with them in your conflict. Children already guess a lot, so you should not dedicate them to your difficulties. Just talk to your child after you’ve made your final decision. No need to make yourself a victim. Talk to the offender with respect, because this is their father. That’s the way life is. In time the children will grow up and understand you.

The main thing, no matter how difficult it is, but you need to learn to live without it. Perhaps God sent you this test for a reason. Most likely, the main meeting with YOUR person is yet to come!