Fairy tale therapy — the magical world of children’s literature

All children need to read fairy tales! Both for entertainment and for the development of spatial thinking and personality education. Based on the psychological and age characteristics of the baby, with the help of fairy tales, many problems can be bypassed. So, let’s find out about the «magic» tricks to cope with the difficulties that arise in the life of the crumbs.

It turns out that at present, parents deprive many children of fairy tales, replacing them with cartoons or computer games. And that’s wrong! Listening to fairy tales, children find themselves in them. The fairy tale awakens fantasy, inspires hope and teaches to dream. The longer the child sincerely believes in the existence of fairies, wizards, Santa Claus, Baba Yaga and other heroes, the more optimistic and brighter his life will develop in the future.

The age category from 4 to 9 years is optimal for fairy tale therapy. This is due to the fact that until the age of 4, the image of “I” is not fully formed in the mind of the child, which is why emotions are quite scattered, they are only conditionally divided into positive and negative. The role-playing game is superficial, since the baby simply performs any manipulations with objects, without getting used to the role. And children over 9 years old, on the contrary, lose their gaming skills, so you need to influence them differently — not with fairy tales.

All fairy tales have a plot, main and secondary characters, and a clear sequence of events. The child may identify with one of the significant characters, but usually with a positive one. The child, experiencing emotions, passes through himself all the experiences and thoughts of the chosen character, while learning to empathize. If in a work a child cannot try on the role of a fairy-tale hero, then usually, his interest in such fairy tales quickly fades.

Fairy tales such as «Teremok» or «Kolobok» are very simple in order to delve into the emotional essence. However, they are also not useless, their main goal is to prepare the child for reading more complex works, learn to consistently perceive developing events, and also develop attention and memory. After all, it is no accident that in every fairy tale the same phrases and events are repeated many times. In addition, such fairy tales are very useful for older children (4-6 years old) who have problems with perseverance, those who are prone to hyperactivity, attention instability and impulsivity.

When reading fairy tales, do not forget to highlight important points intonation, describe what is happening and comment, involving the child in the discussion.

Often, parents, afraid of provoking unnecessary fears, wonder if it is worth reading fairy tales to children in which there is an element of violence (for example, the tale of Little Red Riding Hood). However, we can say with confidence that these are vain experiences, because even children who grew up in a «greenhouse» environment are not devoid of the usual emotions inherent in a person, including negative ones. Fairy tales, on the contrary, help to overcome fears, because one way or another, good always triumphs over evil!

Fairy tales deal with various themes, such as feelings of anxiety and fear, inferiority, leadership and submission, aggression, greed, or difficulty communicating. If you wish, you can come up with a fairy tale on your own, based on one or another specific problem, thereby in an easy and accessible form for the child to convey to him that you can find a way out of any situation, you just need to believe in yourself!

Give your child the magical world of literature, read fairy tales to him!