8th week of pregnancy: the state of the mother and child

The 2nd month of pregnancy is already coming to an end, and at this time you need to be very careful. The fetus already looks like a real person. He has formed almost all the organs, and now they begin to grow and function. The face becomes more defined. Eyelids appear on the eyes, nose and ears appear. The contours of the eyes become more prominent, the eyes come closer to each other. The nose does not yet normally perform its functions, but smell receptors are already manifesting in it. Joint development occurs, arms and legs move intermittently and are often bent. During this period, the nervous system and respiratory apparatus are actively formed and developed. Sometimes at this time it is already possible to fix the very first nerve impulses. Body and head are about the same size. The tail disappears completely, the neck and diaphragm appear. Increases the volume of the abdominal cavity. The stomach begins to work actively and produce gastric juice. Well developed endocrine glands. The fetus begins to move a little, thus training its joints. Weight during this period is from 3 to 13 grams, and growth is about 1.5 — 2 cm. The expectant mother at 8 weeks pregnant may sometimes feel pain in the lower abdomen or in the sides. This means that the uterus is growing. In case of signs of bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage, in which case you should definitely consult a doctor. The abdomen begins to grow gradually, although it is still almost imperceptible. Often women during this period have unusual, previously uncharacteristic taste preferences. You may constantly want different products, or, on the contrary, you may completely lose your appetite. All this is the cause of changes in the hormonal background and soon it will pass. It is contraindicated for women to lift, and even more so, to carry heavy objects, and also to spend a lot of time standing on their feet. Legs need to rest as many women face the problem of varicose veins. Do not drink alcohol or smoke or drink coffee. It is best at this time to be outdoors more often and relax, eat right and, of course, get enough sleep. If you are on treatment with any doctor, it is better to warn him about your pregnancy. Then you will be assigned more or less safe options. In the eighth week, the breasts continue to grow, as the mammary glands are already preparing for lactation, and here it is definitely necessary to wear a maternity bra. The sensitivity of the nipples is even greater than at the first signs of pregnancy. This is described in detail on the page ua.info/pervyie-priznaki-pregnancy/. Your skin can react to the action of hormones in completely different ways: one woman, for example, will develop age spots and irritation, and the second, on the contrary, will shine with a clear complexion. Do not be afraid to drink plenty of fluids, even if urination becomes more frequent — these are the results of uterine pressure on the organs. On the contrary, you can drink a large amount of herbal teas, for example, from rose hips.