To prepare a dietary Spanish dish, you will need the following tasty and healthy products:
2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 2 fresh cucumbers, 2 sweet peppers, one hundred and fifty grams of young lettuce, vegetable oil no more than three tablespoons, wine vinegar (lemon juice), pepper, herbs to your liking.
Chop the vegetables very finely, put them on a plate, grate strongly, gradually adding cool boiled water, butter and vegetable oil and wine vinegar until a uniform mass is obtained. Pass through a sieve, keep in the freezer.
Serve with toasted white bread.
Cold sour-milk dietary soups
Okroshka with radish:
So, we begin to prepare dietary okroshka, and for this, take — 6 (six) fresh cucumbers, 250 (grams) radishes with leaves, one hundred grams of canned young peas, 60 (grams) young onions, half a cup of sour cream, one spoonful of kefir, greens to your taste.
Radishes with leaves, cut fresh cucumbers into strips, add young peas, young legs, greens. In a cool consistency of water, kefir and a decoction of young peas, put cream, vegetables and sprinkle with a green onion.
Soup from curdled milk in Greek
We take one spoonful of yogurt, three tablespoons of olive oil, two fresh cucumbers, chopped young onions, three tablespoons of tablespoons, one clove of garlic, chopped dill, pepper and herbs to your liking.
Rub the chopped young leg with a small amount of salt until the juice stands out, add chopped crushed garlic and olive oil.
Cucumber cut into small squares and together with yogurt add to the onion. Salt the soup, pepper and sprinkle with chopped dill. Let stand in a cold place.
Serve with toasted white bread.
Cereal-sour-milk soup (sarnapur) (Armenian dietary cuisine)
Half of the cup of peas, 4 cups of rice, 3/4l (kefir, homemade yogurt), mint greenery or cilantro are not more than three tablespoons, and cilantro is no more than one spoon 1 (one) half-liter jar of beetroot tops, sugar to its taste.
Boil the peas, shortly until ready to add rice. Separately put the beet tops in x / g a spoonful of water mass or milk.
Combine everything, season with spicy herbs, add salt, boil for three minutes, cool.
Cold diet soups on beetroot broths
Thick beetroot:
3 — 5 small beets, 1 (one) cucumber, 1/2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 11/2 cups of kvass, 15-20 (grams) of young onions, dill, sugar and greens to your liking.
Cut the fresh beet roots into strips, the petioles of the leaves into slices, pour water with vinegar, stew until the floor is ready and add the beet tops, cool the ready mass and put in it soft-boiled and very finely chopped eggs, thinly chopped and grated with salt young leg , cream or sour cream, kvass, chopped cucumber, sugar, herbs, stir very well and serve, sprinkled with dill.
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