How sex affects health

Most people are happy to have sex. Of course, at these moments they do not think about what effect sex has on their health. Well, this is not the most suitable time for such thoughts. You can think about it later.

As it turned out, sex is not just a way to conceive a child and extend your family. It is also the prevention of many diseases. If a person regularly makes love, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced by half. The heart shakes blood much faster, blood rushes through the vessels with increased speed. Thanks to this, the likelihood of blood clots is reduced, it prevents the clogging of veins.

Improving blood circulation leads to the fact that tissues are better saturated with oxygen. This rejuvenates the body, improves skin condition, stimulates brain activity.

Sex — good aerobics. Intense lovemaking burns a lot of calories. This leads to weight loss. In addition, the poses are so varied that you can train different muscle groups.

People who have sex regularly are less likely to get infectious diseases. Their immune system produces more antibodies than those who neglect or for some reason abstain from carnal love. No matter how trite it sounds, but before and after sex, partners are more likely to wash themselves and follow the rules of personal hygiene, thus simply preventing microbes from multiplying. In men, often when hygiene rules are not followed, a disease such as balanitis occurs, the consequences of which are a decrease in the sensitivity of the glans penis, itching, irritation.

Mood. Naturally, the mood rises not only from pleasant sensations and emotions. Glands are activated during sex. The hormones of joy are released into the blood — endorphin, oxytocin. Oxytocin is also responsible for attachment.

The hormone prolactin — the production of which is also enhanced, is responsible for the formation of new brain cells. So we can say that sex saves from senile diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

In addition, sex rejuvenates women. The hormone estrogen, which begins to be intensively produced, is responsible for the appearance of a woman. For the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Sex helps women avoid depression.

Sexual relations are equally important for men. An excess of the male sex hormone testosterone leads to accelerated aging of the body. In addition, men who receive discharge are more calm and balanced.

Sex allows you to fight insomnia, as it completely relaxes the body. A lot of people have noticed this for a long time. But the morning games, on the contrary, will increase the tone and energize for the whole day.

Naturally, this should happen with a permanent and beloved partner. Promiscuous and casual sex is more likely to backfire. No one wants to face the well-known diseases of the goddess Venus.

If at the moment you do not have a permanent partner, you should not rush to the first best. Wait. Abstinence for up to a year will not incur harm to health. But it shouldn’t take too long. Suffering from loneliness is also not the best solution.