How to cut a cat’s nails?

Fluffy, affectionate, such beautiful pets — cats — not only give their owners joy, but also require some care. The owners not only feed the cat, but also take care of it and educate it. Caring for a cat includes the process of trimming her claws.

Many are hesitant and do not know whether to cut their claws to cats, or whether this should not be done. After all, in the wild, no one cuts the claws of cats. And at home, a cat with its sharp claws will scratch furniture, and it can ruin wallpaper and carpets.

But wild cats don’t need nail clipping at all. With their active lifestyle, the claws themselves grind off from running and climbing trees. And pet owners often do not want to let them go outside, and sometimes this is prevented by the age of the cat or illness. So it turns out that most domestic cats have a passive lifestyle, and the claws grow and prevent them from even walking, besides, they cling to everything. In this case, cutting the claws is indispensable.

How to trim your furry pet’s nails.

For cutting cat claws, special guillotine nippers and a nail file for polishing claws after the procedure are purchased. After all, you can’t cut cat claws with simple scissors.

For nail trimming, it is better to involve someone who your animal knows, since it is problematic to deal with such a thing alone. The cat must be placed on a hard surface and held firmly, so cutting the claws will be faster and more convenient.

Check nails before trimming. Transparent light claws allow you to see blood vessels that cannot be injured, as well as nerve endings located there. Dark pigmented nails do not give this opportunity, so cut the claws carefully.

In order for your pet to let the claws in, press the pad of her paw next to the claw and on the skin over the claw. When the claw comes out, its tip must be quickly cut off, and the tip must be cut across the claw.

After clipping, the claws are treated with hydrogen peroxide. If you have injured the claw and the bleeding does start, stop it by applying a clean cloth, or press the claw into the soap. There is a special talcum powder for powdering claws and a hemostatic pencil. But it will help if the bleeding is light. If the claw bleeds profusely as a result of an injury, put a pressure bandage on it and take the cat to the veterinarian.

Nail trimming should be done regularly, no more than twice a month. Since cats do not like this procedure and “kick” it in every possible way, you can contact a specialist, this will save you and your animals from problems.

But a haircut will not replace a scratching post. Let the cat sharpen its claws with it, and not with the help of your furniture or a cat house carefully bought for her. After all, this is how a cat removes the dead layer of the claw and renews it. The combination of a scratching post and regular nail clipping will keep your cat’s paws in perfect condition.

Attention and proper care of your pet will pay off with his affection and the joy that you will experience when communicating with him.