How to learn to eat right

how to lose weight how to keep weight? Almost every second woman asks herself this question. Due to constant employment, very few women go in for sports, attend fitness and swimming pools. Therefore, many people simply go on a strict diet, which promises to lose ten kilograms in two weeks. You just need to eat one buckwheat and drink kefir.

Of course, as a result, ten kilograms disappear, but after a week of habitual nutrition, they return. Moreover, in addition, diseases can occur against the background of a lack of useful substances by the body, as well as skin stretch marks from rapid weight loss. The most important thing is to eat right all the time, accustom yourself to a balanced diet and you will forget about the problem of excess weight forever.

Basic nutrition rules:

— eat small meals and often. The number of meals should be at least five times a day. But this does not mean that you should have a meal five times a day for your pleasure, the amount of food at one time should not exceed 200 grams;

— never drink water with food. The interval between meals and water should be at least half an hour before meals and at least forty minutes after meals. This will allow you to eat less food and also not stretch your stomach;

— clean water should be drunk during the day at least two liters or individually calculate your volume;

— give up sugar. Drink tea and green coffee without sugar or replace it with honey. It is rich in useful minerals and amino acids;

— if you have a sweet tooth, eat sweet foods in the morning. In this case, complex carbohydrates have time to be converted into energy before the end of the day and do not turn into fat;

— it is best to replace your favorite cakes and cakes with dried fruits or dark chocolate, they are much healthier and tastier;

— don’t skip breakfast. Breakfast should always be no later than eleven in the morning;

— always eat only protein foods for dinner. It can be lean meat, fish, legumes; you can add a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, or even eat one salad for dinner;

— eat less salt. Salt retains fluid in the body, which can cause swelling of the body.

— do not eat culinary seasonings at all, especially if they contain food enhancers;

— never eat sweet and salty, especially fatty, food at one meal. Different gastric juices are secreted to break down different flavors of food. This will not benefit the body, and the figure too;

— constantly eat salads with fresh vegetables and greens as a side dish. Greens best break down the most complex carbohydrates and fats and promote better digestion;

— do not eat at night. Eating should not be later than three hours before bedtime. If you feel hungry after dinner, drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple.

The most important thing is that these nutrition rules become a habit, and then you won’t even be able to eat differently. After all, a healthy diet is always a beautiful figure, a guarantee of health and good mood.