How to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Research conducted by the International Cancer Research Foundation has shown that poor diet, excess body fat and lack of physical activity affect the risk of cancer. A group of more than 100 scientists have carefully studied the results of research into the causes of cancer for 5 years.

It has been proven that:

one. Excess weight provokes cancer of the rectum and colon, kidneys, uterus, esophagus, pancreas and mammary glands, and gallbladder.

2. Physical activity not only helps control your weight, but also protects against certain types of cancer.

3. Certain foods increase the risk of cancer, while others help reduce it.

Many people realize that they can reduce their risk of getting sick and going to a cancer clinic by quitting smoking. However, few people know about other steps to take if you want to stay healthy.

one. Try to avoid fast food and sugary sodas, as these unhealthy foods contain a lot of calories and, as a result, «gives» you extra pounds.

2. Maintaining a Healthy Weight is Probably the Most Important Way to Protect Against Cancer. Try to avoid the appearance of extra centimeters, especially at the waist.

3. Drink less alcohol or don’t drink it at all. The maximum you can drink is a glass of wine per day for women, and two glasses daily for men.

four. Try to sit as little as possible and move as much as possible. Ideal to have about half an hour daily for various physical exercises. Start cycling or work hard in your garden. Find a way to increase your activity in everyday life, for example, go down the stairs to work, forget about the existence of the elevator. Also, if you have to go a couple of stops on the bus, it’s better to walk them. But do not overdo it, before increasing the load, consult your doctor.

5. Eat less red meat and various sausages, as they increase the risk of colon cancer. Try to eat only lean meat, poultry or fish. Minimize the amount of preservatives in meat products.

6. Limit the use of salt, because for a normal life we ​​need it not so much. A large number of people put too much salt in their food, or feast on those foods that contain it in excess. The daily requirement of a person is no more than 2300 milligrams of salt per day, however, to reduce the risk of cancer, you should reduce this number to 1500.

7. Eat more plant-based foods, add legumes, fruits and vegetables to your menu. All of these foods are high in fiber and nutrients and low in calories. Eliminate starchy refined foods from your diet.

eight. Get the minerals and vitamins you need from food, not pills.

9. Quit smoking or chewing tobacco, which has been linked to 15 types of cancer and is responsible for approximately 30% of cancer deaths. Don’t let people around you smoke as secondhand smoke also causes cancer.

ten. If you have recently become a mother, then breastfeed your baby for at least six months. This will protect you from breast cancer and keep your baby from becoming overweight. In addition, it has been proven that babies who were breastfed for up to six months have better health than those who “grew up” on mixtures.