«Khutroviy svit» Mink fur coats — 5 signs that a thing is quality

Often in front of the fair sex there is such an important question as the choice of winter coat. So, from what kind of fur coat is preferable to buy a coat, asks himself a lot of women. Mink furs are perfect for those who love experiments, but also for real ladies. A high quality mink coat can serve its owner for many years. But choosing and buying fur coat is responsible and important, because the price of these fur products is quite high. Before we buy the coveted fur coat, let’s understand the parameters by which to choose the precious fur.

Nowadays mink fur coats are considered elite in the world of fur products. Their mass production began back in Europe from local animals. At the same time manufacturers from America established the basic criteria to create a dressed fur coat of high quality. Therefore, American-made fur coats are by right considered the highest quality, although the coats of European manufacturers are also quite good.

So, let’s figure out how to make the right choice in the store of fur products.

1. To begin with, it is worth taking a closer look at the coat. Signs of quality mink fur: the fur flows down, has a bright shine and bright shimmer. If the fur with a grayish hue and faded, it means that its storage conditions are not normal, or its treatment was not done correctly.

2. Elasticity of hair. The fur pile holds a lot of air, and it is this air that makes the fur coat look fluffy. It is the presence of such a peculiar layer of air helps the coat to keep warm even in the coldest weather. It is because of this coat is much better to keep warm than a sheepskin coat. If you try to smooth out the hairs, they should return to their place within a short time. The nap of good quality is pliable, very soft, its length and density is about the same, and does not fall, if you pull a piece of fur. If the fluff looks greasy or sticky in places, then the product is not made properly.

3. Color fastness of fur

When choosing a dyed fur coat in the store inconspicuously touch it with a piece of damp cloth in water, if the product is good quality, its color will remain the same.

4. The texture of the back side of the coat should be high quality

You can tell such a fur coat by its elasticity and resilience. Also it should not have cracks, and should not hear a crunch when pressing. Good quality fur coats usually have no lining, thus, the manufacturers of the products show that they have no secrets from customers. If in a fur coat there is such a detail, you can ask the seller to rip a piece of its edge to assess the quality of the fur or not. In every store that cares about its reputation, you will never refuse this request.

Buy a quality mink fur coats in Moscow. Tismenitsa at the link


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