Kidney amyloidosis — an amyloid accumulation in kidney tissues

Violation of the normal functioning of the kidneys caused by a significant accumulation in their tissues of an abnormal protein (amyloid) is called kidney amyloidosis. As a rule, this disease is manifested as a result of various complications due to previously transferred serious diseases. When the initial stage of amyloidosis of the kidneys is observed, then the main symptoms are not observed for a long time, because of this, the disease is not easily detected in the primary stages. In medical practice, depending on the type of protein that accumulates in the tissues of organs, the following forms of amyloidosis are distinguished:

Primary. When this form is detected in the body, the presence of chronic diseases is observed, which act as the main provocateur causing the active formation of an abnormal protein, as a result, the tissues of the heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen, tongue and the skin itself are affected;

Secondary. It is this form that is considered one of the most widespread, its appearance is caused by both various complications and tuberculosis;

Similarly, the senile type of the disease is distinguished, which is characteristic mainly for older patients and congenital, due to various genetic failures. As for the main causes of the onset of the disease, at the moment they have not been identified, since the disease presumably occurs when the body is affected by a number of different factors.


Regardless of the stages, the symptoms are different, the main ones are:

Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath

Hair fall out

General malaise


More information can be found here /kidney/amiloidoz-pochek-svoevremennaya-diagnostika-pomozhet-prodlit-zhizn.html about symptoms and treatment of kidney amyloidosis.

There is also swelling in the legs, pain in the chest, weakness, kidney failure, various skin lesions, dizziness, increased bone fragility, in some cases, an increase in the size of the tongue is possible.

Renal amyloidosis is a very rare disease, according to statistics, 2/3 of patients suffer from secondary amyloidosis, of which approximately 5% are congenital and senile.


As for the diagnosis, it is not very easy to detect amyloidosis of the kidneys, this is due to the ambiguity of the causes of the progression of the disease, and the real picture is mainly hidden by the symptoms of various chronic diseases. Basically, to clarify the diagnosis, the following methods of confirmation are used: a biopsy (determination of the presence of amyloid in organs and tissues), a detailed analysis of urine (the presence of an elevated level of alkaline phosphatase is characteristic of the disease), an electrocardiogram.


At the moment, there is no effective method of treatment, but at the same time, there are some treatment methods that help stop all the negative processes, reducing their harmful characteristics that affect all internal organs. Basically, treatment is prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account factors such as:

The age of the person;

The degree of damage to the organ and tissues;

General condition of the body.

Thus, the success of treatment depends on the timeliness of the patient’s admission to the hospital.