Normal sleep of a pregnant woman.

Most often, already in the first three months of pregnancy, insomnia makes itself felt. Some doctors even call it one of the signs of the onset of pregnancy. Sleep usually returns to normal in the second trimester. In the final three months before childbirth, insomnia is a more frequent and serious complication during pregnancy. But, as many doctors argue, insomnia is just a stroke of trouble in the body, as well as hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, and not the actual disease. So, for example, during pregnancy, the level of progesterone and a number of other hormones increase, which, tonic in excess of the body, while mobilizing forces for carrying a pregnancy. And there are more and more reasons for insomnia. In pregnant women, the causes of sleep disturbance are physiological and psychological. Such as: the choice of a comfortable position due to the increasing mass and abdomen, pain in the lower back and back, fetal movement, due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder, increased urge to urinate at night, convulsions, heartburn, due to stretching of the skin , itching in the abdomen, difficulty breathing caused by increased body weight and pressure of the uterus on the lungs. For psychological reasons: nervous tension, fear for the child, chronic fatigue, stress before the upcoming changes, fear of childbirth, restless visions during sleep. Any of these reasons is enough to disturb the state of sleep, and most often they are also combined. It is proposed to choose the best for each case. When one advice doesn’t work, try another. Avoid any overexertion and at the same time, try to be less likely to be in the bedroom, which, perhaps, can remind you of a bad night’s sleep. Try not to fall asleep during the day for several days, or at least reduce the duration of daytime sleep. When the memories of the moments that happened during the day are disturbed at night, you can talk about them with a loved one (mother, husband, girlfriend): turning into word, tormenting vague visions, you can notice that there are no special reasons for fear, and this will help Calm down. Swimming, walking, and even dance moves are quite helpful for improving nighttime sleep. Try to cool off in bed during the day. You should also not watch TV in a lying position, communicate with loved ones, read, listen to music. Before going to bed, start preparing for it for two hours. Do not eat solid foods, do not engage in activities that require mental and physical stress, avoid strong emotions and stressful situations, such as watching thrillers and action films, stormy explanations and unpleasant conversations, evening calls. Among other things, before going to bed, take a warm shower, drink warm milk, adding a little sugar or honey, cinnamon or herbal tea, in this case chamomile is often advised. Try to drink less in the evening. Total amount of fluid per day — six to eight glasses. And certainly abandon coffee and ordinary tonic tea.