Palma: Home Care

There are a lot of varieties of palm trees, and many of these exotic trees have long taken root as decorative indoor plants in our country. In our article “Palma: Care at home” you will learn how to properly care for this plant, so that it pleases you as long as possible with its original foliage.


The soil should be selected such that it can constantly maintain the required level of air permeability and humidity. You can find out if the soil you have chosen is suitable for a palm tree as follows: you need to pour water into a pot and see if it drains into a drainage pan in a few minutes. If not, the soil needs to be changed, because the water must pass through the soil very easily and quickly so that the roots do not rot.

The soil must have another feature that must be taken into account when growing palm trees — this is a “transshipment”, that is, such a transplant in which the plant is transplanted along with a clod of earth.


It is only necessary to water an indoor decorative palm tree with non-hard water, otherwise salinization of the top layer of soil in a pot may occur. As for the water temperature, it should be slightly higher than the air temperature in the room where the plant stands.

If you take ordinary tap water for irrigation, then it should be defended for 20-24 hours, and only then water the tree with it. Never use water containing chlorine for irrigation.

There should be enough water so that some of it flows into the drain pan.

Required humidity level

The palm loves high humidity very much, and if it is maintained, the tree will grow very well. You can create the maximum humidity necessary for this exotic plant as follows:

use special devices that provide air humidification;

place a large container filled with liquid next to the palm tree;

in hot weather, regularly spray the tree, and with exactly the same water that you water it with.

In autumn and winter, it is advisable not to humidify the air, as it can lead to the appearance of fungus.

How to use fertilizer

Since the palm tree consumes a lot of nutrients through the roots, it is necessary to feed as often as possible. Even with all the requirements for growing and caring for a palm tree, it can lose its decorative appearance due to a lack of minerals.

Each type of palm tree has its own feeding characteristics, which you can learn about when buying a tree.

How to care for palm leaves

The leaves of the tree must be periodically cut and wiped with a cloth moistened with warm water. Do not use mixtures with chemicals, as this can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

Diseases and pests

With improper care, the plant can develop a variety of diseases. Most often, fungal diseases are formed, which at the beginning of infection can be very difficult to detect. Over time, they develop, and this leads to the loss of the external «decorative» appearance, and then to the death of the plant.

Now you know how to care for a palm tree at home, and you can decorate your pulp with exotic trees.