The beauty of the villages of Gelendzhik

As soon as the sun warms a little warmer, you really want to go where the sea, sand, romance. Of course, you can choose for a long time, but why go somewhere overseas, where the prices are toothy and the road is long? The Black Sea is one of the most popular among tourists. And the Black Sea coast beckons and beckons with warm sand and fresh breeze.

In Russia, just 35 km from Novorossiysk, there is a wonderful inspiring city — the resort of Gelendzhik. There are rounded peaks, wide ridges, mountains covered with vegetation. In this area, not only the coast above the sea, but also medium and small rivers that hug the mountains with their clear waters, make noise, rage with purity and taste. Compatibility of fresh sea air with bright mountain air is the best mix for recovery and just for the prevention of your health.

But more local color and the magical smell of pure nature gathered near Gelendzhik. The villages of Gelendzhik, which wrap around the city, simply attract tourists. It has beautifully furnished local beaches, a cleaning system, reasonable housing prices and silence from car noise. There are seven main villages, but the most visited are: Kabardinka, Divnomorsk and Praskoveevka.

Kabardinka is located 14 km from Gelendzhik and has excellent infrastructure and route communications. Getting here is very easy. The settlements of Gelendzhik are distinguished by their civilization and developed tourist branch. These places are more like small towns. Kabardinka is also rich in history, when both the Crimean Tatars and the Nazis tried to capture it, but after a heated struggle, the soldiers defended the village. Now, the surviving monuments from the struggle are located in local museums. The village is interesting in the cultural direction: museums, beautiful clean parks, ancient architecture. Here are also built: hotels, sanatoriums, restaurants, cafes — everything that the most curious tourist needs.

Divnomorsk is located 13 km from the main resort town and is also easy to get to. This village is in second place in terms of tourist attendance of Big Gelendzhik. It attracts with its clean coastline, transparent sea and a wonderful water park. There is no city bustle here, which attracts tourists. Divnomorsk housing and entertainment prices pleasantly surprise with their democratic nature (you can ask at /divnomorsk-ceny.php).

Praskoveevka is the smallest coastal village in the vicinity of Gelendzhik (20 km from the city). The population of this cozy area is only 200 people. This is really a wonderful quiet modest place for those who are exhausted from the city and dream of peace and quiet. Keep in mind that of all cell operators, only Megafon is drawn here here. When you rent housing in the village, do not forget to clarify the distance to the sea. Because from the shore the village is located 4 km. Locals are proud of the main attraction of Praskoveevka — a rock sail. Rock that seems to grow from the water.

Gelendzhika villages are interesting and attractive. They attract their ease, purity and naturalness. Before this list, you need to add a few more villages, this is: Janhot, Arkhipo-Osipovka, Krinitsa and Betta.