Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with folk methods.

In the life of every girl, woman, there comes a moment when the body is rebuilt to a new hormonal background and leads to inflammation of the ovaries. As a rule, this problem is the most frequent pathological change in the female genital area, leading to chronic foci of the disease.

If we consider the anatomical structure of the female body, especially the reproductive system, then we can generally say that the female genital organs naturally include the uterus, tubes, vagina and ovaries.

Most often, it is the ovaries (the main female sex glands) and tubes, otherwise called appendages, that are involved in the inflammatory process.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages?

Women are accustomed to the fact that even if they feel severe pain in the entire abdomen, they will go to the doctor in a few days. This endurance and patience often ends in sad serious complications that turn into chronic forms.

Frequent manifestations of symptoms:

— severe, sharp pain in the lower region of your abdomen;

— pain in the hips, at the bottom of the spine, in the pelvic area;

— dull pain during menstruation;

— failure of the hormonal background;

— moderate rise in temperature.

Very often, all these symptoms disappear if you do not pay attention to them, but over time, a woman will notice that significant changes will occur in her body — menstruation will not go on regularly, pain will become a constant phenomenon, and will intensify with any stress and physical activity.

What leads to inflammation of the appendages?

In the antenatal clinic, they always try to help with practical advice and identify the causes of certain problems or completely different problems.

Inflammation of the appendages is how common the disease is that every gynecologist, obstetrician or paramedic already knows the probable causes of the onset of the disease:

— constant change of sexual partners;

— non-compliance with the hygiene of partners;

— non-compliance with the rules of intimate life;

— infection;

— hypothermia;

— infectious diseases.

How to cure inflammation of the appendages with folk methods?

Doctors have long forgotten about treating inflammatory processes in the genital appendages of all ordinary women with the help of chemicals. Nowadays, folk methods of treating all diseases are becoming popular.

With the help of the right herbs, it is quite possible to cure almost every disease, and herbs cause much less damage to health than chemical drugs.

Garlic and celandine will help get rid of this disease. This method works in 90% of cases and ends with complete recovery. To do this, use a gauze swab and garlic water (squeeze one clove of garlic into a small glass of water). Soak the tampon with liquid, wring it out slightly and insert it into the vagina for three hours, then remove and take water procedures. Repeat twice a day, course 5 — 7 days.

Herbal douches (chamomile, linden, mint) also help well. During treatment, sexual intercourse is not recommended.