What children’s drawings will tell

In any drawing, to one degree or another, the inner world of its creator is expressed. Each author sees the world around us in his own way and chooses, in accordance with his mood, lines, shapes and colors. Thoughts and feelings of a person first arise in his head, and only then he transfers them to paper.

This is most clearly manifested in the drawings that children draw. Of course, it is impossible to draw conclusions about the state of mind of the child from one picture. In order to get a complete picture, you need to take drawings drawn over a couple of months and compare them. First of all, look carefully at the plot of the picture. Children often like to draw people, animals, the sun, flowers, houses. If there are rarely people in the drawings, then this may indicate difficulties with communication. The presence of evil animals with teeth, claws, horns indicates anxiety in a child. Little boys often draw weapons, war, dinosaurs. This is completely normal. Thus, they try on the role of defenders, warriors, in order to be ready for any surprises in the future. In the same way, girls aged 6-8 prepare themselves for the role of an attractive girl. They draw beautiful princesses dressed in beautiful ball gowns for girls, in magnificent dresses with roses and bows.

The colors in the drawings express the emotional state of the young artist. The predominance of black means that the baby is depressed, is experiencing some kind of event.

If a person, a relative or just an acquaintance, is drawn in red, then the child may have a conflict with him.

Blue is the color of calmness and self-confidence.

Yellow — the baby is in a good mood, he is active and friendly.

Green color indicates reliability.

Pink — means sensitivity and tenderness.

But the gray color expresses a feeling of anxiety, danger.

If the colors are used incorrectly, that is, the objects are painted in an unusual color, then we advise you to pay attention to this when analyzing the drawings. Regardless of the color, the full shading of the figure speaks of negative emotions. The child experiences fear and anxiety. Such feelings can be caused, for example, by the illness of a loved one, a vicious dog, or a doctor who gave an injection.

The dimensions of both the drawing itself and its details are important. In a timid, insecure baby, the drawing and figures on it will be small. With overestimated self-esteem, the image will be located above the middle line of the sheet. Perhaps this child is dissatisfied with his role in the team. The kid will draw the most important for himself in large sizes, and the insignificant — in small ones. When depicting friends, the one who has the most influence on him will be the highest. The absence of arms in the figure speaks of difficulties in communicating with people and the outside world. A huge painted head means the predominance of reason over feelings. Big ears indicate that the child listens to the opinions of the people around him, and it means a lot to him.

The most important thing is the first impression that the drawing made on you. Try to understand what feelings the little artist wanted to express, what emotions live in his soul: happiness and joy or fear, self-doubt, longing. By recognizing warning signs in time, you can help your child cope with his problems.